Kemerburgaz City Forest, İstanbul, Turkey

Üçüncü Mekân

Üçüncü Mekân, designed by Elif Çeçen and Zeynep Tümertekin, is offering a constantly developing public space by various activities held by the communities, raising societal awareness over environment, local culture and local makers.

Üçüncü Mekân is a public space located in the Kemerburgaz City Forest of Istanbul that has first opened its doors about a year ago. The idea behind the project derives from the term coined by sociologist Ray Oldenburg that defines “the third place” as a place of socialization and escape from the tension of other spaces, in an echelon where the primary place is the home and the secondary is the workplace.

An important aspect of the project is bringing in a new perspective to open air and public spaces than it is accustomed to in Turkey by transforming a part of the forest into a multifunctional environment with an emphasis on social interaction.

The project, that was initiated by a team of young architects who found the city lacking in such social spaces where one can escape from the commotion and humdrum of city life to relax and enjoy the nature while socializing, creating and learning. Üçüncü Mekân comprises a kitchen, a square, a stage and studios which are designed to host bazaars, sports activities, musical performances, theatres, movie screenings and design workshops.  Yet, the creators of the place have little intention to stop there or define its boundaries; this is an ever growing and dynamic environment which is prone to change and evolution around new ideas and concepts.

Frequented by a multitude that cherish and embrace the place as an escape from their busy urban everyday lives, Üçüncü Mekân is the well-deserved haven to all those seeking their third space.


Landscape Design Consultant: Gürsan Ergil

Photo credits: Cemal Emden, Üçüncü Mekân Team

Graphic Design: Talya Hakim

Elif Çeçen and Zeynep Tümertekin
Partner: Landscape Design Consultant Gürsan Ergil

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